A journal of academic theology

Michael A. Fahey S.J.

March 2002 editorial

Theological Studies has long enjoyed a distinguished reputation for its coverage of contemporary moral theology. Our annual March feature, “Notes on Moral Theology,” has helped keep theologians informed of ethical reflection on a wide variety of topics. In this present issue we include a lengthy overview of moral theology as it is being articulated throughout Latin

December 2001 editorial

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, Et lux perpetua luceat eis. We mourn the sudden, unexpected deaths of all those who died tragically in the senseless violence in New York City, Washington, and in Pennsylvania. Just as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the destruction of Hiroshima, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King,

September 2001 editorial

Paraphrasing the lament of one of Gilbert and Sullivans operettas, I am sometimes tempted to hum “An editor’s job is not a happy one.” Work load includes drudgery (proof reading), worries (statistics on subscriptions), dread (writing non-acceptance letters), and tensions (meeting deadlines). Fortunately, that is not the whole picture. I also experience notable satisfactions: seeing

June 2001 editorial

Theological Studies was founded in 1940 when the condemnation of Catholic Modernism still lingered in the air, when Europe was already in the throes of World War II, and the United States was arguing, before Pearl Harbor, whether or not it should enter the war. Could the American Jesuits manage a journal on their own? Would

March 2001 editorial

Four months have passed since the United States presidential election. Those who were ready to stay up a bit later that evening for the results, hoping to retire before midnight, were disappointed as uncertainty about electoral ballots continued on and on. Instead, what followed was not a day or week of uncertainty but a tortuous

December 2000 editorial

After long silence, Theological Studies has begun to make amends for its shameful avoidance of the evil of racism in the United States. To accomplish this task, the editorial board has invited a team of African American Catholic theologians to reflect of this painful neglect especially in the light of the thirtieth anniversary of Black

September 2000 editorial

Ben Yagoda in his recent About Town: The New Yorker and the World It Made (Scribner, 2000) presents a fascinating account of how that weekly, sometimes associated with light fiction and sophisticated cartoons, came to publish in its issue for August 31, 1946, John Hersey’s “Hiroshima.” Published one year after the bombing, the lengthy and harrowing account

June 2000 editorial

As I write these reflections during Easter Week in the year 2000, I look back over what has turned out to be an unusually dramatic Lenten season for the Catholic Church. On March 12, the first Sunday of Lent, a remarkable gesture of repentance took place in St. Peter’s Basilica, when the Church of Rome,

March 2000 editorial

On February 12, 2000, Theological Studies lost one of its most valued contributors and consultants, Richard A. McCormick, S.J., who died following a paralyzing stroke. He will be profoundly missed by his many friends and colleagues. Later this year we hope to publish a tribute highlighting his rich contributions to Christian ethics. I began drafting reflections for

December 1999 editorial

This fascicle of Theological Studies is the last of the 20th century and the last appearing in the second millennium. Barring Y2K mixups or Christmas mail backups, readers–at least in North America–should have their copy to study at leisure over the year-end holidays. Looking back over the last sixty years we recognize our debt to hundreds of

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