Volume 66 Number 4

December 2005 editorial

Theological Studies was founded in 1940 while the effects of the papal condemnation of Catholic Modernism were still lingering, while Europe was already in the throes of World War II, but the United States was debating, before Pearl Harbor, whether or not it should enter the war. In these parlous circumstances, American Jesuits hesitated about starting

Christian Salvation: Biblical and Theological Perspectives

[To provide order to the welter of metaphors employed in Christian soteriology, the authors study them within their underlying systems or “models.” The “prophetic” model, in which salvation is effected within history through human instruments, appears in Isaiah and Luke as well as in Irenaeus. In the “liturgical” model, the divine presence is safeguarded by

Bodily Resurrection and the Dialectic of Spirit and Matter

[Christian belief in bodily resurrection is implicitly challenged by contemporary natural science with its empirical evidence for the interdependence of mental and bodily functions and their effective cessation at the moment of death. The author argues that only a new philosophical understanding of the relation between spirit and matter in which neither is intelligible without

Valuing Earth Intrinsically and Instrumentally: A Theological Framework for Environmental Ethics

[Philosophers have struggled with value theory as one of the most recalcitrant problems for environmental ethics. Theologians can benefit from their efforts when retrieving and reworking notions about the goodness of creation in patristic and medieval texts, particularly those by Augustine, John Chrysostom, and Thomas Aquinas. This process yields a religiously motivated rationale for intrinsic-instrumental

A Dialectic Engagement with the Social Sciences in an Ecclesiological Context

[Ecclesiologists have long acknowledged a possible role for the social sciences in their discipline. The author examines the difficulties theologians face in utilizing the social sciences, given the diversity of approaches in that area, and the more profound issue that the social sciences can never be theologically neutral. It concludes that the only way of

Ghislain Lafont and Contemporary Sacramental Theology

[The author demonstrates how Ghislain Lafont looks “through” the critiques of meta-narrative and ontotheology for an appropriate ground for theology. Lafont appeals to sacramental memorial as the starting point for a response to postmodern critiques, a response that is shown to be both balanced and faithful. When presented in relation to the works of two

Genetic Anomaly or Genetic Diversity: Thinking in the Key of Disability on the Human Genome

[Thinking in the key of disability reconfigures scientific presumptions to accept identified genetic anomalies as instances of the great diversity possible in the human genome. While genetic testing and diagnoses advance, the secrets of 30,000 genes in human DNA yield slowly, providing remedy only rarely. Promises aside, genomic medicine can relieve suffering or further oppress

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 2005

A History of Biblical InterpretationA History of Biblical Interpretation Peter W. Martens, Ph.D., J.D., pp. 882–883 The Art of Reading Scripture Stephen Fowl, pp. 883–885 The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam John Byron, pp. 885–886 The Struggle to Understand Isaiah as Christian Scripture Lawrence Boadt C.S.P., pp. 887–888

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