A journal of academic theology

Volume 67 Number 4

Gift Theory and the Book of Job

Gift theory offers a new perspective on the book of Job: God favors a universal gift ethic, Satan opts for an alienable gift economics, while Job’s friends endorse the principle of balanced reciprocity. The article depicts Job conflicted over the divine love culture and the culture promoted by his friends and Satan, but in the

The Starting Point of Systematic Theology

The article proposes that Bernard Lonergan’s four-point hypothesis linking the four divine relations with four created participations in divine life can join with the theory of history proposed by Lonergan and developed by the author to form the unified field structure and so the starting point of a contemporary systematic theology. The hypothesis allows for

Resurrection–Interruption–Transformation: Incarnation as Hermeneutical Strategy: A Symposium

Because of its commitment to the Incarnation and the Resurrection, Catholic theology is impelled to deal productively with the issues of embodiment and particularity. These have been noticeably absent in postmodern discussions of religious experience, which tend to be abstract, “dis-embodied,” and dismissive of specific religious traditions. This symposium continues the important intervention of Catholic

The Times They Are a’Changin’: A Response to O’Malley and Schloesser

Inspired by two recent articles in this journal regarding the fact and nature of change at Vatican II, this article analyzes the nature of this change. Drawing on the author’s previous writings on ecclesiology and the social sciences, it argues that Vatican II was necessary to restore integrity to the mission of the Roman Catholic

Eucharistic Justice

The article explores the relation between the celebration of the Eucharist and the church’s mission to promote justice. The Eucharist’s eschatological orientation has profound implications both for understanding the eucharistic tradition and for developing inculturated and contextually appropriate forms of eucharistic celebration. Some implications impinge directly on the church’s mission to promote justice.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 2006

Das Alte Testament als christliche Bibel in orthodoxer und westlicher Sicht: Zweite europäische orthodox-westliche Exegetenkonferenz im Rilakloster vom 8.-15. September 2001 Stephen D. Ryan O.P. pp. 880–881 Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible Angela Kim Harkins pp. 881–883 Life in Abundance: Studies of John’s Gospel in Tribute to Raymond E. Brown Alan C. Mitchell

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