A journal of academic theology

Volume 70 Number 2

The Galilean Jesus: Creating a Borderland at the Foot of the Cross (Jn 19:23-30)

Postcolonial theory allows a reading of John 19:23–30 from a perspective that is hopeful and empowering for dislocated persons such as Asian immigrant women. In this reading the dislocated persons are enabled to gain a hybrid identity through the Gospel’s invitation to join and participate in a “borderland community” created by Jesus on the cross.

Jesus of Galilee from the Salvadoran Context: Compassion, Hope, and following the Light of the Cross

The article analyzes a threefold isomorphism between the realities of Galilee and El Salvador: (1) the two realities are subjugated by imperial powers (2) the isomorphism least mentioned by commentators—between Jesus and the Salvadoran martyrs; and (3) the isomorphism between Jesus and the crucified people understood as the Servant of Yahweh who brings salvation. The

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 2009

The Bible and the Crisis of Meaning: Debates on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture Uche Anizor, pp. 461–462 The Soteriology of Leo the Great Philip L. Barclift, pp. 462–464 Gregory of Nyssa: Ancient and (Post)Modern Kevin Mongrain, pp. 464–465 What is “Theology” in the Middle Ages?: Religious Cultures of Europe (12th to 15th Centuries) as

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