Volume 73 Number 2

Peter as Witness to Easter

The article shows how the role of Peter as the official witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ continues to be neglected by such scholars as Martin Hengel, Christian Grappe, and Rudolf Pesch. Paul, Mark, Luke (in both his Gospel and Acts), and John offer historical and theological grounds for interpreting Peter’s primary (but not

Christian and Jewish Tradition behind Tyconius’s Doctrine of the Church as Corpus Bipertitum

Tyconius, a fourth-century Donatist, believed that the Bible showed the church as composed of two parts, the righteous and the sinners, who will be clearly separated only at the final judgment. This doctrine belongs to a shared Jewish and Christian tradition attested to in Romans, the third-century Christian Jewish Didascalia apostolorum, Tyconius’s Christian contemporaries in

Karl Rahner Repeated in Jean-Luc Marion?

The author traces an interesting development in Jean-Luc Marion’s thought, from explicit rejection of Karl Rahner’s thought to strong affinities with it. Marion’s early theology aligns itself with Hans Urs von Balthasar’s, making a later turn to Rahner seem impossible. But in his phenomenological trilogy and newer theological reflections, Marion opens to a Rahnerian perspective,

Service in the Analogia Entis and Spiritual Works of Erich Przywara

In his study of metaphysics, Analogia entis, Erich Przywara presents service (Dienst) as the link between the analogy of being and a vision of human nature as essentially sent by God into creation. This account informs many of Przywara’s spiritual writings, especially his commentaries on Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and his studies of the Jesuit charism.

Toward a Political Theology of Refugee Resettlement

The author evaluates the current partnership between the church, religious NGOs, and the US State Department on refugee resettlement. In conversation with refugee studies, he teases out positive implications of and limitations in two prominent models of post-Christendom political theology, those of William Cavanaugh and David Fergusson. He then draws on the thought of Johann

The Development of Catholic Social Teaching on Economics: Bernard Lonergan and Benedict XVI

Affected by the Great Depression and the inadequacy of the “simple-minded moralism” of church commentators on economic matters, Bernard Lonergan worked on a macrodynamic economic model in the 1940s and returned to it in the 1970s. The authors here situate Lonergan’s economics in relation to economic theory then and now, as well as within his

Catholic Participation in Needle- and Syringe-Exchange Programs for Injection-Drug Users: An Ethical Analysis

Needle- and syringe-exchange programs aim to decrease infections among those who are dependent on injection drugs. Some have questioned whether church sponsorship of such programs constitutes illicit cooperation in the evil of drug abuse. This article examines the question under classical formulations of cooperation and in light of current empirical evidence and concludes that this

On Ovarian Tissue Transplantation and the Metaphysics of Self-Recognition: A Response to Paul Lauritzen and Andrea Vicini

To resolve questions regarding ovarian tissue transplantation, the author proposes a metaphysical theory positing that the common ensoulment shared by all the cells in a woman’s body is manifested primarily in her immune system’s ability to distinguish her own cells from those of another. The author therefore suggests that human procreation, to be morally licit,

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