A journal of academic theology

Volume 76 Number 4

Farewell from the Editor’s Desk

In retrospect, a decade flashes by. So it has been with my decade as editor in chief of this journal; the incoming editor waits in the wings. My predecessor, Michael Fahey, in his last editorial (December 2005), sketched the journal’s development from a journal aimed largely at Catholic seminary faculty and students to a Catholic

To Whom Am I Speaking? Communication, Culture, and Fundamental Theology

Vatican II’s aggiornamento sought to reach out to the modern world with the message of the gospel in a way that was intelligible to the contemporary world. Fundamental theology was expected to play an important role in this process, but it has not been very successful in doing so. Set in this context, this article

Return of the Golden Calf: Economy, Idolatry, and Secularization since Gaudium et spes

Pope Francis consistently addresses economic issues with the concept of idolatry, but Gaudium et spes treats the economy as an autonomous, secular realm amenable to technocratic solutions guided by principles of right reason. Cavanaugh accounts for this difference by examining changes in theories about secularization from the 1960s to the present. He argues that today

Presuppositions of Balthasar’s Universalist Hope and Maritain’s Alternative Eschatological Proposal

Hans Urs von Balthasar and Jacques Maritain are both confronted by the apparent contradiction between the reality of damnation and the universal salvific will of God. While Balthasar’s understanding of grace lends itself to universalism, Maritain’s more harmonious perspective is able to avoid the pitfalls of which Balthasar is frequently criticized. Digging beneath the aporia

Preaching on Laughter: The Theology of Laughter in Augustine’s Sermons

Although Augustine never wrote a treatise on laughter, a clear theology of laughter emerges from a systematic engagement with his Sermones ad populum and his Enarrationes in Psalmos. Revising previous scholarship on Augustine’s theology of laughter, this article provides extensive evidence to argue that Augustine had a nuanced, sympathetic notion of laughter, understanding it as

A Generation After Genocide: Catholic Reconciliation in Rwanda

Despite the Catholic Church’s majority status and deep historical influence in Rwanda, Catholic reconciliation work in postgenocide Rwanda has received scant scholarly attention. This article addresses this lacuna through analysis of four separate Rwandan Catholic reconciliation initiatives in prison ministry, parish ministry, justice and peace commissions, and a spiritual retreat center. The author argues that

Origenes Vindicatus vel Rufinus Redivivus? A Review of Ilaria Ramelli’s The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis (2013)

Against a backdrop of surging interest in the topic of universal salvation (or universalism, apokatastasis), Ilaria Ramelli’s major tome places Origenian and Origenist universalism at the center of Christian theologizing during the first nine centuries. She claims that Origen was misunderstood rather than rejected, that textual interpolations have distorted the ancient record, and that the

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