A journal of academic theology

Research Article

Reaching Up to the Mind of Lonergan: The Contribution of Robert M. Doran, SJ (1939–2021)

Robert M. Doran, who died in early 2021, made prolific and important contributions to Lonergan studies, especially arguing for some creative innovations and practical applications. Notably, he integrated a psychological component into Lonergan’s notion of conversion. Moreover, his vision for Catholic theology was global, and he sought creatively to engage the tradition with the complex contemporary situation. Doran’s intellectual developments can be divided into four areas: (1) the early work up to his tome Theology and the Dialectics of History, (2) the turn to systematic theology, (3) the implementation of a systematics, and (4) hermeneutic innovations of Lonergan’s thought. The first three are chronological, but this article will also highlight key innovations of Lonergan’s thought from Doran’s intellectual development along the way.

Amoris Laetitia at Five

This review article documents how Amoris Laetitia has been received and implemented, five years after the post-synodal exhortation on family life was promulgated by Pope Francis. Theological engagement with and pastoral applications of Amoris Laetitia have already proven life giving as we celebrate the Year of the Family in local contexts, even as questions remain about how best to interpret the document. Many of those questions center on how chapter 8 should be read vis-à-vis the tradition—whether it is a corruption of the tradition, a restating of the tradition, or a coherent development of the tradition.

A Presidential Year: Election, Transition, and Recovery

An analysis of trends in American politics and economics points to serious threats to the legitimacy and vitality of the nation’s democracy. Large numbers of disaffected individuals are resentful and mournful regarding recent developments in public life. Understanding the sources of resentment and grief should lead to a reassessment of government’s role in the economy and to an imperative to address the crisis of the isolated individual.

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