A journal of academic theology

Theological Studies

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1949

Theologumena II: De ratione peccati poenam aeternam inducentis William A. Huesman S.J., pp. 118–122 De scientia Dei futurorum contingentium secundum S. Thomam ejusque primos sequaces Thomas A. Brophy S. J., pp. 122–125 De Eucharistia Clement De Muth S. J., pp. 125–126 De Verbo Incarnato et de Beata Virgine Maria James J. Doyle S.J., pp. 126–127

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1948

Proto-History John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 604–606 Introductio in s. theologiam Cyril Vollert S.J., pp. 604 La vie religieuse dans l’ancienne Égypte, Ancient Egyptian Religion John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 606–607 Die Psalmen M. P. Stapleton, pp. 607–609 Jeremias: Die Klagelieder M. P. Stapleton, pp. 609–610 Revelation and Response in the Old Testament John L.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1948

Le problème de l’acte de foi Francis X. Lawlor S.J., pp. 453–455 Introduction a la théologie John J. Healy S. J., pp. 455–457 Manuale theologiae dogmaticae Desmond A. Schmal S.J., pp. 457–459 Les deux Adam Cyril Vollert S.J., pp. 459–460 De Eucharistia Clement De Muth S.J., pp. 460–461 Où se trouve le christianisme intégral? Francis

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1948

Compendium of Theology Clement J. Fuerst S.J., pp. 290–291 Le Problème de l’Église Francis X. Lawlor S.J., pp. 291–292 De Baptismo et Confirmatione D. J. M. Callahan S.J., pp. 292–293 Theologia Fundamentalis Edward B. Brueggeman S.J., pp. 293–295 De Incarnatione ac Redemptione John F. Sweeney S.J., pp. 295–298 The Doctrine of Hervaeus Natalis on Primitive

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1948

The Eternal Quest Bernard J. F. Lonergan S.J., pp. 125–127 Does God Exist? James I. Conway S.J., pp. 127–129 Le sens de l’Homme-Dieu Francis X. Lawlor S.J., pp. 129–131 Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, méditations et prières, Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, Le miroir de la foi Augustine Klaas S.J., pp. 131–134 St. Augustine: The First Catechetical Instruction Augustine

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1947

Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens Edgar R. Smothers S.J., pp. 700–701 The Common Priesthood of the Members of the Mystical Body Paul F. Palmer S.J., pp. 701–704 La justification de la foi chez saint Thomas d’Aquin et le Père Rousselot Edward B. Brueggeman S.J., pp. 704–706 Mediaeval Studies, VIII Bernard J. F. Lonergan S.J., pp.

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