Theological Studies

Social Ethics

[The survey addresses recent publications in five areas: (1) foundational resources and approaches; (2) Catholic social thought; (3) faith and public life; (4) reconciliation and social conflict; and (5) environmental and economic ethics. Recurring issues include: praxis-based approaches, the common good and human rights, religion’s role in public life, restorative justice, as well as attention

Feminism and the Vatican

[The recent “Letter on the Collaboration of Men and Women” (2004) published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith continues Pope John Paul II’s strong affirmation of women in church teaching, but also unfairly critiques two forms of feminism. Contemporary philosophical and theological feminist reflection on both equality and difference suggests a better,

An Ecclesiology of Groaning: Augustine the Psalms and the Making of Church

[The author offers a new approach to Augustine’s understanding of Church and exegesis by concentrating on his practice of preaching about the psalms. More than other biblical books, the psalms were conceived not principally as texts to be explained. Rather, they were the “voice of the whole Christ” that gave expression to a wide variety

Eucharistic Origins: From the New Testament to the Liturgies of the Golden Age

[Reviewing 20th-century research into the origins of the Eucharist, the author observes that many of the Church’s theologians have yet to appropriate the significance of what is commonly accepted as historical fact by exegetes and liturgical theologians, namely, that there is no clear line of development from the Last Supper of Jesus to the theologically

Revisiting Affective Knolwedge and Connaturality in Aquinas

[The author investigates the nature and function of affective cognition through connaturality in Thomas Aquinas. Its modulations are disclosed in the human attraction to happiness, in emotions and their moral significance, in the affective virtues (fortitude and temperance), and in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the article notes some convergences between the thought

Gender and the Process of Moral Development in the Thought of Paul Evdokimov

[In the writings of Orthodox theologian Paul Evdokimov (1901–1970), Western theology can find new resources regarding the relationship between gender and moral development. The author presents Evdokimov’s unique theological anthropology in the context of both the complicated question of gender, as well as the effects that gender has on the way women and men act.

The Liturgical Functions of Consecrated Women in the Byzantine Church

[Although the ordained order of deaconesses vanished in the Byzantine Church, some women continued to fulfill, either informally or formally, various liturgical functions in public church life. The author examines1 the art-historical and textual evidence of three groups of women: noblewomen who participated as incense-bearers in a weekly procession in Constantinople; matrons who helped organize

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 2005

Abschied vom Jahwisten: Die Komposition des Hexateuch in der Jüngsten Diskussion Thomas Anderson S.J., pp. 178–179 Seeing the Psalms: A Theology of Metaphor John C. Endres S.J., pp. 179–181 1 Peter, Jude, and 2 Peter Barth L. Campbell, pp. 181–182 Identity and Experience in the New Testament John J. Pilch, pp. 182–184 The Resurrection of

Theology’s Responsibility and Tasks in Today’s Church and World

[In this lecture, delivered originally at the Catholic University of America, Washington, the Archbishop of Strasbourg develops a question close to his heart, namely theology’s responsibility and tasks in today’s Church and world. After having enunciated as a principle the embeddedness of this responsibility in faith considered as a total entity, he then outlines the

Cultures Religions and Power: Proclaiming Christ in the United States Today

[The author describes three challenges that the current cultural, religious, and political contexts of the United States present to the Church’s mission: cultural diversity caused by new waves of immigration, religious pluralism by the increasing presence of non-Christian religions, and political hegemony by the collapse of the Soviet Union. With insights from the experiences of

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