A journal of academic theology

Volume 63 Number 1

March 2002 editorial

Theological Studies has long enjoyed a distinguished reputation for its coverage of contemporary moral theology. Our annual March feature, “Notes on Moral Theology,” has helped keep theologians informed of ethical reflection on a wide variety of topics. In this present issue we include a lengthy overview of moral theology as it is being articulated throughout Latin

Authority in the Church

[In section one of Notes on Moral Theology the author shows how a number of writers have argued that the weight of magisterial authority varies in accordance with the strength of the link between revelation and the teachings in question. Some have also pointed to the need to see the whole Church as a community

Moral Theology in Latin America

[Over the past several years, Latin American moral theology, in which liberation theology and its ethics play a prominent role, has been creatively developing its method and content in response to social and cultural changes. While many have incorporated the personalist approach of postconciliar moral theology, it is from the perspective of the victims that

Structure of a Systematic Ecclesiology

[Drawing on the classical understanding of theology as faith seeking understanding, the author explores the structure of a systematic ecclesiology, arguing that such a theology must be empirical, critical, normative, dialectic, and practical. He further maintains that such a goal requires the critical engagement of the social sciences. His position is illustrated though an analysis

The Children of God: Natural Slavery in the Thought of Aquinas and Vitoria

[The author seeks to show the consonance of Thomas Aquinas’s and Francisco de Vitoria’s views of natural slavery in the context of developments in natural rights theories. Against two views, one of which indicts Aquinas, and the other, Vitoria, for an unchristian perspective on slavery, the article shows that neither Aquinas nor Vitoria had the

Newman and the Interpretation of Inspired Scripture

[The author argues that the relative neglect in recent biblical scholarship regarding Newman’s understanding of Scripture during his Anglican years in favor of his late, controversial works has led to broad, sweeping statements of his thought during that period. Tracing a short history of recent scholarship and, drawing from two key works of Newman published

Dorothy Day’s Transposition of Th√©r√®se’s Little Way

[Despite initial disdain, Dorothy Day (1897–1980) eventually published an extended study of Thérèse of Lisieux, declaring Thérèse’s “little way” as the method par excellence of the social transformation practiced by Catholic Workers. To transpose convincingly the Little Way from an insular 19th-century French convent to the New York City streets of the Great Depression and

Cornel West’s Challenge to the Catholic Evasion of Black Theology

[The author contends that the thought of Cornel West is an underutilized resource for overcoming the marginalization of Black and womanist theology. His multidisciplinary and pragmatic approach to the question of what it means to be human challenges us to take seriously the interrelationship of various forms of oppression as a theological problem. Instead of

Reviews & Shorter Notices -February 2002

Das Namensmissbrauch-Verbot (Exodus 20,7/DTN 5,11): Bedeutung, Entstehung, und frühe Wirkungsgeschichte Robert North S.J., pp.161–162 Invitation to the Septuagint Frederick W. Knobloch, pp.162–164 The First Epistle to the Corinthians John Byron, pp.164–165 Studies in Ephesians: Introductory Questions, Text- & Edition-Critical Issues, Interpretation of Texts and Themes Marion L. Soards, pp.165–167 Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of

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