A journal of academic theology

Book Review

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1957

The Book of Wisdom Frederick L. Moriarty S J, pp. 604–605 Dix ans de découvertes dans le désert de Juda Roland E. Murphy O.Carm., pp. 605–606 The Word of Salvation. 1: The Gospel according to St. Matthew Eric E. May O.F.M.Cap., pp.606–607 Le règne de Dieu R. F. Smith S.J., pp. 607–608 Saint Paul: Les

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1957

The Servant of God Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 442–443 Le témoin du Verbe, le disciple bien-aimé John J. Heenan S.J., pp. 443–444 The Essenes and Christianity Roland E. Murphy O.Carm., pp.444–445 God the Unknown and other Essays Charles M. Whelan S.J., pp. 445–446 A History of the Catholic Church John F. Broderick S.J., pp.446–448

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1957

Religionswissenschaftliches Wörterbuch. Die Grundbegriffe Hugh J. Bihler S.J., pp.271–272 Dictionnaire d’archéologie biblique George S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 272–274 Amazing Dead Sea Scrolls George S. Glanzman S.J., pp.274–277 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp.278–279 The Semantic Development of Gloria in Early Christian Latin Alfred C. Rush C.SS.R., pp.279–280 The Sources

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1957

An Historian’s Approach to Religion Gustave Weigel S.J., pp.93–100 Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte 1 Hugh J. Bihler S.J., pp.100–102 The Two-Edged Sword: An Interpretation of the Old Testament Thomas E. Clarke S.J., pp.102–104 A Path through Genesis John L. McKenzie S.J., pp.104–105 Exode Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp.105–107 New Testament Abstracts Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp.107–108 The

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1956

Recent Discoveries in Bible Lands G. S. Glanzman S.J., pp.584–585 La sainte Bible G. S. Glanzman S.J., pp.584 The Bridge Walter J. Burghardt S.J., pp.585–587 Demythologizing and History Vincent T. O’Keefe S.J., pp.588–590 Die Zeit der Kirche: Exegetische Aufsätze und Vorträge Richard Kugelman C.P., pp.590–592 Initiation aux Pères de l’église 1 Walter J. Burghardt S.J.,

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1956

La sainte Bible R. A. F. MacKenzie S.J., pp.414–415 The Background of the New Testament and Its Eschatology John L. McKenzie S.J., pp.415–419 The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism Eamonn O’Doherty S.S.C., pp. 419–420 Bultmann et l’interprétation du Nouveau Testament Quentin Lauer S.J., pp.420–425 A Creed before the Creeds John J. Collins S.J., pp.425–426 Early

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1956

Principles and Problems of Biblical Translation James T. Griffin S.J., pp.232–233 Das Alte Testament deutsch R. A. F. MacKenzie S.J., pp.233–237 The Holy Bible Bruce Vawter C.M., pp. 237–240 The Unity of the Bible Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 240–242 Sacral Kingship in Ancient Israel John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 242–243 Evangelical Nonconformists and Higher

Reviews & Shorter Notices –February 1956

The Book of Acts in History D. M. Stanley S.J., pp. 103–105 Conscience in the New Testament Eric May O.F.M.Cap., pp.105–107 Raison philosophique et religion révélée Vincent T. O’Keefe S.J., pp. 107–108 The Development of the Theological Censures after the Council of Trent (1563–1709) Edward Brueggeman S.J., pp. 108–109 Théologie et mystique de Guillaume de

Reviews & Shorter Notices –December 1955

The Messianic Idea in Israel Bruce Vawter C.M., pp.607–609 The Areopagus Speech and Natural Revelation David M. Stanley S.J., pp.609–612 Pierre et Paul à Antioche et à Jérusalem: Le ‘conflit’ des deux Apôtres John J. Collins S.J., pp. 612–613 Genèse Philip J. Donnelly S.J., pp.613–615 Der Begriff “Rhema” im Biblisch-griechischen Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp.

Reviews & Shorter Notices –September 1955

Problèmes d’origines J. A. McKeough S.J. J. J. Ruddick S.J., pp.433–434 The Second Book of Maccabees Roland E. Murphy O. Carm., pp.434–435 Das Verstockungsproblem im Alten Testament Roland E. Murphy O. Carm., pp.435–436 Sociology of the Biblical Jubilee William A. Dowd S.J., pp. 436–438 A New Testament Commentary. Volume 2: The Acts or the Apostles;

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