From the Editor’s Desk

March 2017 Editorial

The results of the recent elections in the United States continue to focus the attention of people in every place on the political map. What the election portends for the long- term future we do not yet know. What we do know is that political realities, not only in the USA, but throughout the world,

December 2016 Editorial

The Incarnation stirs the imagination as well as the heart of faith. This issue of Theological Studies opens, then, with an essay by Neil Ormerod (Australian Catholic University, Sydney) on the trinitarian depths of the Incarnation as unfolded in the thought of Bernard Lonergan. This is the latest installment in the “Four Point Hypothesis” project

September 2016 Editorial

As we go to press, the church enters the final quarter of the Year of Mercy, an opportune time to consider what it would mean for the church itself to receive the transformative power of God’s mercy. For, as the Second Vatican Council confessed, the church is called to penance and renewal (Lumen Gentium 8).

June 2016 Editorial

One year ago, Pope Francis published his landmark encyclical letter, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. Rarely before has an encyclical been so widely anticipated or generated so much commentary beyond theological circles, or managed to accomplish so much in one document: a symphonic synthesis of theology, the natural and social sciences, philosophy,

March 2016 Editorial

I write this editorial en route from Colombia, where I met with several teachers of theology at the Universidad Javeriana in Cali and learned something about their questions and concerns as theologians in the church. The issues they raised were not altogether unlike those I have encountered in the United States, where theologians bemoan the

Farewell from the Editor’s Desk

In retrospect, a decade flashes by. So it has been with my decade as editor in chief of this journal; the incoming editor waits in the wings. My predecessor, Michael Fahey, in his last editorial (December 2005), sketched the journal’s development from a journal aimed largely at Catholic seminary faculty and students to a Catholic

September 2015 Editorial

This issue’s lineup of articles prompts the question: Would it have been possible even to fantasize about this lineup back in 1965? I think not. Fifty years ago, on September 14 (Exaltation of the Cross), Vatican II’s fourth and final session opened and, by closing time, promulgated 11 of the council’s 16 documents. Important as

June 2015 Editorial

Robert Doran’s article in this issue derives from his  Emmett Doerr Lecture entitled “A New Project in Systematic Theology” delivered at Marquette University on October 24, 2014. Astonished at his vision, I asked him to consider converting his paper into an article for Theological Studies.

March 2015 Editorial

“Redeeming Conscience,” the title of James Keenan’s moral note in this issue, startled me. Why would conscience need redeeming? Then I recalled Friedrich Schleiermacher’s definition of conscience: “We use the term ‘conscience’ to express the fact that all modes of activity issuing from our God-consciousness and subject to its prompting confront us as moral demands,

From the Editor’s Desk: On the Feast of the Transfiguration

W. H. Auden’s eclogue, The Age of Anxiety (1947), depicts the cultural temper in the age of war and modernity. He identifies what much of the world has suffered since the Great War and continues to suffer today in the innumerable outbreaks of local wars streamed to our digital devices. Chronic anxiety is not new.

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