A journal of academic theology

Theological Studies

Reviews & Shorter Notices –December 1954

Vocabulaire Biblique Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp.632–633 Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete, I (1951–1952) Stephen E. Donlon S.J., pp. 633–635 The First-Gospel. Genesis 3:15 Alfred C. Rush C.SS.R., pp. 635–639 Le probléme synoptique John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 639–644 The School of St. Matthew and its Use of the Old Testament Herbert A. Musurillo

Reviews & Shorter Notices –September 1954

Time and Eternity James T. Griffin S.J., pp.460–464 L’Attente du Messie Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 464–465 The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel John J. Collins S.J., pp. 465–468 Paul the Apostle Richard T. A. Murphy O.P., pp. 469–470 An die Kolosser, Epheser, an Philemon Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp. 470–474 Communion with God in

Reviews & Shorter Notices –May 1954

Foreword to the Old Testament Books G. S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 294–295 Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp.295–300 The Book of Psalms G. S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 300–302 Le prophète Ezéchiel et les débuts de l’exil Bruce Vawter C.M., pp.302–305 The Disciple Who Wrote These Things Eric E. May O.F.M.Cap.,

Reviews & Shorter Notices –February 1954

Interpretatio mariologica Protoevangelii posttridentina Francis X. Peirce S.J., pp. 117–118 Jesus Christus, Mittelpunkt der Weltanschauung, I: Von Orpheus zur Zinne des Tempels Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp.118–120 The Names of Jesus John L. McKenzie S.J., pp.120–122 Studien zum neutestamentlichen Schöpfungsgedanken, I David M. Stanley S.J., pp.122–126 Le prologue de saint Jean John J. Collins S.J.,

Reviews & Shorter Notices –December 1953

Sacrifice in Greek and Roman Religions and Early Judaism Rudolph Arbesmann O.S.A., pp.598–599 Das erste Buch Mose: Genesis Kapitel 12:10––25:18 Edward A. Cerny S.S., pp. 599–600 Le Cantique des cantiques Roland E. Murphy O.Carm., pp.600–602 Einleitung in das Neue Testament Francis J. McCool S.J., pp. 602–606 A Commentary on the Gospels Herbert A. Musurillo S.J.,

Reviews & Shorter Notices –September 1953

Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete Francis J. McCool S.J., pp.458–459 Die Welt des Alten Testaments Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp.459–461 La sainte Bible, traduite en français sous la direction de l’Ecole biblique de Jέrusalem R. A. F. MacKenzie S.J., pp.461–465 Daniel M. P. Stapleton, pp. 466–467 The Formation of the New Testament John L.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1953

Le prophète JΈRΈMIE: Sa vie, son oeuvre, et son temps Michael J. Gruenthaner S.J., pp.298–299 The Gospel according to St. Mark: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes, and Indexes John L. McKenzie S.J., pp.299–309 Aufsätze zur Apostelgeschichte Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp.309–311 Tertulliani Opera. Pars I: Opera catholica adversus Marcionem: Ad martyras Walter J. Burghardt

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