A journal of academic theology

Book Review

Reviews & Shorter Notices -December 1967

The Self-Revelation of God John L. McKenzie S.J. ,pp. 835–836 The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll James D. Shenkel S.J. , pp. 836–837 Record of the Fulfillment: The New Testament Thomas W. Leahy S.J. pp. 837–839 Theologische Gründe der nichtchristlichen Religionen Ludvik Nemec ,pp. 839–841 Geschichtlichkeit und Vollendung des Wissens Christi Thomas E. Clarke S.J. pp.

Reviews & Shorter Notices -September 1967

The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I: A Commentary H. L. Ginsberg , pp. 574–577 Understanding Genesis: The Heritage of Biblical Israel Bruce Vawter C.M. , pp. 578–579 Worship in Israel: A Cultic History of the Old Testament Dennis J. McCarthy S.J. pp. 579–581 The Church and the Jewish People Marcian Strange O.S.B. , pp.

Reviews & Shorter Notices -May 1967

Die Religionen Irans Martin R. P. McGuire , pp. 357–358 Israelite Religion Samuel Rosenblatt , pp. 359–361 The God of Exodus Frederick L. Moriarty S.J. pp. 362–363 The Rule of Qumran and Its Meaning: Introduction, Translation and Commentary Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. , pp. 363–365 Christianity in World History: The Meeting of Faiths of East

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1967

The Jerusalem Bible Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. , pp. 129–131 Das Buch Jesaja: Kap. 40–66 Carroll Stuhlmueller C.P. , pp. 132–133 Wesen und Herkunft des “Apodiktischen Rechts” Dennis J. McCarthy S.J. pp. 133–137 Das Johannesevangelium 1: Einleitung und Kommentar zu Kap. 1–4 George Macrae , pp. 138–140 Index to Periodical Literature on Christ and the

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1966

Nostalgia for Paradise J. Edgar Bruns , pp. 667–668 Die Religionen Indonesiens Ludvik Nemec , pp. 668–670 The Religion of Israel Eugene H. Maly pp. 670–672 Die Gleichnisse Jesu: Versuch einer Deutung Richard Kugelman C.P. , pp. 673–674 The Eucharistic Words of Jesus Edward J. Kilmartin S.J. pp. 674–677 La vie selon l’Esprit, condition du

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1966

The Inspired Word: Scripture in the Light of Language and Literature Dennis J. McCarthy S.J. , pp. 443–446 New Testament Essays Bruce Vawter C.M. , pp. 446–448 The Temple and the Community in Qumran and the New Testament: A Comparative Study in the Temple Symbolism of the Qumran Texts and the New Testament Joseph A.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1966

The Old Testament: An Introduction John L. McKenzie S.J. , pp. 266–267 I and II Chronicles John L. McKenzie S.J. , pp. 267–268 The Psalms: Their Structure and Meaning Joseph J. DeVault S.J. pp. 268–270 The Temptation and the Passion: The Markan Soteriology Roger Balducelli O.S.F.S. , pp. 270–272 The Moral Teaching of the New

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1966

Record of Revelation: The Bible, Record of the Promise: The Old Testament James D. Shenkel S.J. , pp. 97–98 The Apostolic Church in the New Testament Raymond E. Brown S.S. , pp. 99–101 Aux origines de l’église Edward J. Mally S.J. pp. 101–103 Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits: A Study of 1 Peter 3: 18—4:

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1965

The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Revised Standard Version—Catholic Edition Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. , pp. 672–675 Aspects of Biblical Inspiration John L. McKenzie S.J. , pp. 675–676 The Power and the Wisdom: An Interpretation of the New Testament Edward F. Siegman C.PP.S. pp. 676–678 Dogmatic vs. Biblical Theology James F.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1965

Das Siegeslied am Schilfmeer: Christliche Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Alten Testament Roland E. Murphy O.Carm. , pp. 428–429 Le Livre des Proverbes J. T. Forestell C.S.B. , pp. 429–431 All the Kingdoms of the Earth John L. McKenzie S.J. pp. 431–433 Heilsmittler im Alten Testament und im Alten Orient Dennis J. McCarthy S.J., pp. 433–436 L’Evangile

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