A journal of academic theology

Book Review

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 2002

Genesis as Dialogue: A Literary, Historical, and Theological Commentary Ronald A. Simkins, pp.840–841 1 & 2 Kings David Penchansky, pp. 841–842 Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender Bruce J. Malina, pp. 843–844 Papal Letters in the Early Middle Ages Thomas F. X. Noble, pp.844–846 With the Grain of the Universe: The Church’s

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 2002

The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible: A Theological Introduction Gina Hens-Piazza, pp.601–602 Sprache, Stil, und historischer Ort des zweiten Petrusbriefes Anders Gerdmar, pp.602–604 After Paul Left Corinth: The Influence of Secular Ethics and Social Change Alan C. Mitchell, pp. 604–605 The Power of God: Dunamis in Gregory of Nyssa’s Trinitarian Theology Kevin Mongrain, pp.606–607

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 2002

Unfolding the Deuteronomistic History: Origins, Upgrades, Present Text Susan Niditch, pp.382–383 David’s Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King John J. Collins, pp.383–385 Jüngerberufung und Zuwendung zu Gott: Ein exegetischer Beitrag zum Konzept der matthäischen Soteriologie im Anschluss an Mt 9,9–13 Benedict T. Viviano O.P., pp.385–386 The Critical Edition of Q: A Synopsis Including the Gospels

Reviews & Shorter Notices -February 2002

Das Namensmissbrauch-Verbot (Exodus 20,7/DTN 5,11): Bedeutung, Entstehung, und frühe Wirkungsgeschichte Robert North S.J., pp.161–162 Invitation to the Septuagint Frederick W. Knobloch, pp.162–164 The First Epistle to the Corinthians John Byron, pp.164–165 Studies in Ephesians: Introductory Questions, Text- & Edition-Critical Issues, Interpretation of Texts and Themes Marion L. Soards, pp.165–167 Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 2001

Psalms Walter Brueggemann, pp. 825–826 The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Sharyn Dowd, pp. 826–827 In ihm sein und bleiben: Die Sprache der Immanenz in den Johanneischen Schriften D. Moody Smith, pp. 828–829 The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary Lane C. McGaughy, pp. 829–831 Authority and Asceticism from Augustine to Gregory the Great George

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 2001

The Making of the Bibles Moralisées Leonard Greenspoon, pp. 607–608 Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews: A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity Dennis Hamm S.J., pp. 608–610 The Apostle of God: Paul and the Promise of Abraham Susan A. Calef, pp. 610–611 The Cultic Origins of Christianity: The dynamics of religious development

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 2001

Words of the Living God: Place and Function of Holy Scripture in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas Matthew Levering, pp. 378–379 Francis: The Saint of Assisi. Regis A. Duffy O.F.M., pp. 379–381 The Pope’s Body Joan Mueller, pp. 381–382 The Making of the Magdalen: Preaching and Popular Devotion in the Later Middle Ages Joan

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 2001

The Torah’s Vision of Worship John C. Endres S.J., pp. 154–155 A Time to Tear Down and a Time to Build Up: A Rereading of Ecclesiastes Joseph F. Wimmer O.S.A., pp. 155–157 Inculturation of the Jesus Tradition: The Impact of Jesus on Jewish and Roman Cultures Terrence Prendergast S.J., pp. 157–158 God for a Secular

Reviews & Shorter Notices -December 2008

Imitating Jesus: An Inclusive Approach to New Testament Ethics John Paul Heil, pp.918–919 New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and Unity Jeffrey S. Siker, pp. 919–920 Singing the Ethos of God: On the Place of Christian Ethics in Scripture Raymond F. Collins, pp. 921–922 Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes Robert A. Di Vito, pp.922–923 Reforming

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 2000

Reconstructing the Society of Ancient Israel Jeffrey K. Kuan, pp. 748–749 The Rhetoric of Revelation in the Hebrew Bible Harry P. Nasuti, pp. 749–750 Rhetoric and Ethic: The Politics of Biblical Studies Karen A. Barta, pp. 750–752 The Jesus Movement: A Social History of Its First Century Gregory E. Sterling, pp. 752–753 The Honor of

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