A journal of academic theology

Book Review

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1982

Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Greek Palaeography Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 706–707 To Advance the Gospel: New Testament Studies Karl P. Donfried, pp. 707–709 Die Apostelgeschichte 1: Einleitung, Kommentar zu Kap. 1, 1–8, 40 Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 709–712 Jesus and Isaac: A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1982

Traditions in Transformation: Turning Points in Biblical Faith Leo G. Perdue, pp. 514–516 The Epistles of John Pheme Perkins, pp. 516–517 Is God God? Terrence W. Tilley, pp. 517–518 The Theological Imagination: Constructing the Concept of God Philip E. Devenish, pp. 519–520 Who is Christ? A Theology of the Incarnation Thomas Weinandy O.F.M.CAP., pp. 520–521

Reviews & Shorter Notices – June 1982

Ebla: An Empire Rediscovered, the Archives of Ebla: An Empire Inscribed in Clay Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 320–321 A History of Israel Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 321–323 Les perfections du Dieu de Jésus-Christ John Farrelly O.S.B., pp. 323–324 God or Christ: The Excesses of Christocentricity John F. O’Grady, pp. 324–326 Our Christian Faith:

Reviews & Shorter Notices – March 1982

The Two Horizons: New Testament Hermeneutics and Philosophical Description Randy L. Maddox, pp. 136–137 The Gospel According to Luke (I-IX) Robert J. Karris O.F.M., pp. 137–138 L’APOCALYPSE JOHANNIQUE ET L’APOCALYPTIQUE DANS LE NOUVEAU TESTAMENT Raymond E. Brown S.S., pp. 138–140 Fundamental Theology Michael J. Buckley S.J., pp. 140–142 Kirchenschriftsteller: Verzeichnis und Sigel Joseph T. Lienhard

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1981

Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction Daniel J. Harrington S.J., pp. 669–670 Luc le théologien: Vingt-Cinq ans de recherches (1950–1975) Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 670–671 The Being of God: Theology and the Experience of Truth Basil De Pinto O.S.B., pp. 672–673 The Vision of the Trinity Catherine

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1981

The Language and Imagery of the Bible Bruce Vawter C.M., pp. 469–470 Apostle to the Nations: The Life and Letters of Paul Pheme Perkins, pp. 470–471 Pauline Studies: Essays Presented to Professor F. F. Bruce on his 70th Birthday Avery Dulles S.J., pp. 471–473 Disclosure of the Ultimate: Fundamental Theology Reconsidered Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J.,

Reviews & Shorter Notices – June 1981

Jerusalem, City of Jesus Robert J. Barone, pp. 291–292 Etudes sur L’Oeuvre De Luc Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 292–293 Christology in the Making: A New Testament Inquiry into the Origins of the Doctrine of the Incarnation Thomas Weinandy O.F.M.CAP., pp. 293–295 New Testament Studies: Philological, Versional, and Patristic Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 295–298

Reviews & Shorter Notices – March 1981

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 1: A—D Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 135–136 The Gnostic Gospels David P. Efroymson, pp. 136–138 God and Atheism: A Philosophical Approach to the Problem of God Michael J. Buckley S.J., pp. 138–140 Catholicism Monika K. Hellwig, pp. 140–141 Nommer Dieu John Farrelly O.S.B., pp. 141–143 Le consolateur: Esprit-Saint et

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1980

Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel Kevin G. O’Connell S.J., pp. 764–765 Galilee from Alexander the Great to Hadrian, 323 B.C.E. to 135 C.E.: A Study of Second Temple Jerusalem David Greenwood, pp. 765–767 A Concordance to the Greek Testament According to the Texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English Revisers Joseph A.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1980

Tradition and Interpretation Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 585–586 The Royal Son of God: The Christology of Matthew 1–2 in the Setting of the Gospel Donald Senior C.P., pp. 586–587 “Sons of God”—“Seed of Abraham.” R. F. O’Toole S.J., pp. 587–589 Face à la mort: Jésus et Paul Casimir Bernas O.C.S.O., pp. 589–590 Message and

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