A journal of academic theology

Book Review

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1960

The New Translations of the Bible John Bligh S.J., pp. 276–277 Adam et son lignage: Etudes sur la notion de “personnalité corporative” dans la Bible John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 277–278 Le décalogue à la lumière des recherches contemporaines Bruce Vawter C.M., pp. 278–280 Psalm 89: Eine Liturgie aus dem Ritual des leidenden Königs Joseph

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1960

Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete 5 (1956–57) nos. 1–2 George S. Glanzman S.J., pp. pp. 133–135 La sainte Bible G. S. Glanzman S.J. pp. pp. 135–136 A Light to the Nations John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 136–138 Die Genesis der Genesis: Vom Werdegang des ersten Buches der Bibel G. S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 138–140

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1959

Agapè dans le Nouveau Testament: Analyse des textes 2 Joseph J. Devault S.J., pp.630–632 Paulus: Die Theologie des Apostels im Lichte der jüdischen Religionsgeschichte Joseph J. DeVault S.J., pp.632–634 Jugement pratique et jugement spéculatif chez l’écrivain inspiré Thomas Aquinas Collins O.P., pp.634–635 Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon: Kirchlich-theologisches Handwörterbuch Robert E. McNally S.J., pp.635–637 The Historical and Mystical

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1959

The Lord of History: Reflections on the Inner Meaning of History Joseph J. DeVault S.J., pp. 443–445 The Meaning of Sacred Scripture John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 445–446 Jeremia Bruce Vawter C.M., pp. 446–447 Ten Years of Discovery in the Wilderness of Judaea Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 448–451 L’Esprit et le messie dans le

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1959

Biblia polyglotta Matritensia O: Prooemium. 7/21: Psalterium Uisigothicum-Mozarabicum Vicente Cantarino, pp. 280–282 La bible: Parole humaine et message de Dieu J. Edgar Bruns, pp. 282–284 Theologie des Alten Testaments 1: Die Theologie der Geschichtlichen Überlieferungen Israels R. A. F. MacKenzie S.J., pp. 284–286 God’s Word and Work: The Message of the Old Testament Historical Books

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1959

Introduction à la Bible 1: Introduction générale; Ancien Testament John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 108–110 Introductio Generalis in Sacram Scripturam Thomas Aquinas Collins O.P., pp. 110–111 Genres littéraires et thèmes doctrinaux George S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 111–112 The Book of Tobit George S. Glanzman S.J., pp.112–114 New Testament Introduction Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp.114–116 Le

Reviews & Shorter Notices –December 1958

Les rites et la condition humaine d’après des documents ethnographiques J. Franklin Ewing S.J., pp. 596–597 Patterns in Comparative Religion Hugh J. Bihler S.J., pp. 597–598 Agapè dans le Nouveau Testament: Analyse des textes 1 Joseph J. DeVault S.J., pp.599–601 Mythe et allégorie: Les origines grecques et les contestations judéo-chrétiennes Bruce Vawter C.M., pp.601–604 L’Evangile

Reviews & Shorter Notices –September 1958

The Authority of Scripture Raymond E. Brown S.S., pp. 413–415 Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament 1 Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 415–417 La formation des évangiles: Problème synoptique et Formgeschichte Vincent T. O’Keefe S.J., pp.417–418 La date de la Cène: Calendrier biblique et liturgie chrétienne George W. MacRae S.J., pp.418–419 The Book of the Acts

Reviews & Shorter Notices –May 1958

The Great Crisis in American Catholic History, 1895–1900, the Emergence of Liberal Catholicism in America John Tracy Ellis, pp. 237–248 God and the Ways of Knowing Thomas E. Clarke S.J., pp. 248–249 Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Thomas Aquinas Collins O.P., pp. 249–252 The Word of Salvation. 3: The Gospel according to St. Luke

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1958

Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte 2: Die Götter, Vorstellungen über den Kosmos, Der Untergang des Heidentums Hugh J. Bihler S.J., pp. 94–97 Du baptême à Cana: Jean 1, 19–2, 11 Myles M. Bourke, pp. 97–99 Refrigerium interim: Die Vorstellungen des Zwischenzustand und die frühchristliche Grabeskunst Alfred C. Rush C.SS.R., pp.99–102 Problemi e orientamenti di teologia dommatica John F.

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