A journal of academic theology

Theological Studies

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1953

The Origins and History of Religions George C. Ring S.J., pp.89–91 Guide to the Bible: An Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture Mitchell Dahood S.J., pp. 91–92 English Versions of the Bible Brendan Connolly S.J., pp.93 The Old Testament Problem. With Two other Essays Michael J. Gruenthaner S.J., pp.93–95 L’Ancien Testament, source de vie

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1952

Theology and Evolution F. X. Lynch S.J., pp. 588–591 The Old Testament Text and Versions Francis X. Peirce S.J., pp. 591–593 Das Buch Hiob Mitchell Dahood S.J., pp. 593–594 The Foundations of the Christian Faith Roger Mercurio C.P., pp. 594–595 L’Homme selon l’apôtre Paul Francis J. McCool S.J., pp. 595–599 The Epistle to the Ephesians

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1952

Biblical and Theological Studies John W. Moran S.J., pp. 433–435 L’Ancien Testament et les chrétiens Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 435–436 Critical Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Poem of Job George S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 436–438 Das Heilsgeschehen bei der Taufe nach dem Apostel Paulus M. P. Stapleton, pp. 438–439 De Deo creationis

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1952

Submission in Suffering and Other Essays on Eastern Thought John J. O’Farrell S.J., pp. 241–242 A Foreword to the Old Testament: An Essay of Elementary Introduction Mitchell Dahood S.J., pp. 242–244 Book Review R. A. F. Mackenzie S.J., pp. 244–247 Primitive Gospel Sources Dominic J. Unger O.F.M.Cap., pp. 247–250 Book Review Vernon J. Bourke, pp.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1952

Book Review James M. Finnegan S.J., pp. 109–111 Book Review George C. Ring S.J., pp. 111–114 The Old Testament and Modern Study Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 114–116 Unless Some Man Show Me Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 116–117 Urchristentum und Geschichte. Gesammelte Aufsätze und Vorträge, I: Grundsätzliches und Neutestamentliches Edward A. Cerny S.S., pp.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1951

Problèmes et méthode d’exégèse théologique John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 560–562 Theologie des Alten Testaments R. P. Bierberg C.PP.S., pp. 562–565 Die Koenigsherrschaft Gottes im Alten Testament John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 565–567 Human Personality: Its Historical Emergence in India, China, and Israel George C. Ring S.J., pp. 567–570 Theologie des Neuen Testaments M. P.

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1951

Die Liebe zu Gott in den nichtchristlichen Religionen John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 388–391 Vom Wort des Lebens: Festschrift für Max Meinertz J. P. Weisengoff, pp. 391–394 Thèmes bibliques: Etudes sur l’expression et le développement de la révélation R. A. F. MacKenzie S. J., pp. 395–397 Origines de l’univers et de l’homme d’après la Bible:

Reviews & Shorter Notices -May 1951

Religions of the Far East T. Martin Curran S.J., pp. 231–232 Das Alte Testament deutsch E. A. Cerny S.S., pp. 232–233 Aristeas to Philocrates (Letter of Aristeas) Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 233–234 Das heilige Mahl im Glauben der Völker John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 235–236 Saint Paul: Les epîtres pastorales J. L. Lilly C.M.,

Reviews & Shorter Notices -February 1951

Le Prophet Isaïe, Das Alte Testament deutsch John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 93–99 Das Alte Testament deutsch R. A. F. MacKenzie S.J., pp. 99–102 Geschichte des Alten Testamentes Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 102–104 Ancient near Eastern Texts Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 104–108 Vom Geheimnis des Gotteswortes Richard Kugelman C.P., pp. 108–110 Catholic Biblical

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